I have done a little bit of scouring on the net because of something my girlfriend and I both experienced today. We didn't realize we both had a similar occurrence until later today when we both talked about our day with one another. Surprisingly, our accounts were quite similar.
I would like to first make you privy to our individual experiences, then the research I did on people describing similar accounts. Not only in this forum, but elsewhere, which through researching, seems like a pretty common occurrence. Predominantly responses are that this is associated with the condition known as Vertigo among many other possible causes to what we may have experienced. However, after examining the most popular assumptions of causes I am leaning to one that seems to be more plausible than a physical or medical condition.
I'll start with my experience. I'm a pretty average individual as it is. I am a healthy, educated, well mannered, and overall normal person (contextually speaking). Today, I had an odd experience. Throughout the day I had the feeling of being in a complete fog of sorts, disconnected from reality, just sort of a vagueness and inability to fully focus that I could not quite put a finger on and it was mixed with a strange feeling of being, well, irritable that I couldn't regain focus.
The closest similarity to ever feeling the same way is similar to when I have had a bad head cold and had that swimmy headed feeling. Where, because you are sick, congested, generally hopped up on cold medicine, and you're not as quick as you would be if you were 100%. You get that disconnected feeling, response time is slowed, thinking is cloudy, you're irritable, etc.
I felt this feeling mildly on Saturday and perhaps a little on Sunday but it was short lived and I didn't make much of it. I noticed the feeling again this morning except it was much stronger than the previous days, and it reached a peak around mid-day and started to again subside as it got later in the day and is slightly still noticeable as I compose this. I remember asking myself, "what the hell is going on with me? snap out of it". I thought, well maybe I am coming down with something. However no other symptoms that would be associated with being sick have come forth. I don't suffer from allergies. So I have ruled both of these out. I wasn't dizzy and had no balance issues at all, so I as well ruled out any inner ear issues.
Now my girlfriend's experience. Saturday, my girlfriend made the comment "I feel like I am falling" while we were driving around doing some errands. She was very loopy and it was hard for her to snap out of it. She didn't feel normal until late in the day. She again felt the feeling of disconnection on Sunday. I didn't associate our similar accounts at this point.
It is also important to mention that she has not been sleeping very well these past few months. She works from 2pm - 10:30pm but does not go to bed until well after 5am. Friday, she did not sleep until after 8am. This is something that has only come on within the last few months - since the start of this year to be exact. She can not pin her insomnia on anything. She says that nothing is really bothering her, no out of the ordinary stress, she simply cannot sleep until completely exhausted.
On Monday, she felt as if she was disassociated from reality. Almost like she was sleep walking. She couldn't focus. She said it was that feeling you get after going on a roller coaster or carnival ride. Where your equilibrium was off and you felt dizzy. She did not experience any nausea during her experience. She does have allergies and assumed she was having a really bad allergy to something. She felt better later today but she says this feeling is still somewhat lingering as I am composing this.
So I decided to research this. I would have thought nothing of it had we not both had similar accounts at what appears to be exact times over the last couple of days. I may or may not have felt like this in the past but just wrote it off as normal.
Through my research I have found that this could be many things. Through some of the threads I visited I found that most people who have experienced similar occurrences were met with a barrage of people telling them to seek professional medical attention. I appreciate their sentiment however I am not here to seek a diagnosis. I am here to explore the evidence of a plausible cause.
The following: Current Solar Data (from NOAA)
Estimated Kp Index
The peaks in these images, are strikingly on time with the recent occurrences my girlfriend and I experienced. I know that some animals are affected by the Earth's Magnetic Field. For example, The Magnetic Sense of Animals
So my query is this:
Is it plausible that human minds/equilibrium can be affected by Geomagnetic Storms?
Has anyone else had this type of feeling before, if so can you go back and look at the graphs if you can recount the time when said feelings occurred and see if they match up to peaks in these Geomagnetic Storms?
Thanks in advance!
Nagyon megköszönném, ha angolul tudó barátaim lefordítanák rendesen, mert gép-magyarul elég hülyén hangzik. :-)
VálaszTörlésKülönben köszönöm Bedefynek, hogy felhívta rá a figyelmet, mert nagyon érdekes. :-)
A felesleget kihagyva, ez a pofa és a barátnője ugyanazokat a szimptómákat észlelték magukon állítólag, amelyek legközelebb a homloküreggyulladás tüneteire emlékeztetnek, a láz és köhögés kivételével.
VálaszTörlésArra gyanakszik, ez a napfolttevékenységgel van kapcsolatban és szeretné tudni befolyásolhatja-e az ember mágneses auráját az ilyesmi.
A mágneses vihar erősen befolyásolja az agy központi (vegetativ) idegrendszerét, ami EEG-készülékkel is kimutatható. A mágneses vihar ideje alatt feszültség, szivritmus-zavar, vérnyomás ingadozás, alvászavar, szédülés, hányinger, migrénes fejfájás, belső remegés, fülzúgás, ingerlékenység, erős fáradtságérzés stb. tünetei jelentkezhetnek. Ezen tünetek egyikét se szervi baj okozza, mivel a mágneses vihar elmúltával, a normális szintre való beállással (a táblázatban zöld csikkal van jelezve) ezen tünetek mind elmúlnak.
VálaszTörlésAz emberi szervezet napközben ezen mágneses kiugrást jól kezeli, de az esti órákban (főleg éjféltől hajnal 2-ig) ezen tünetek felerősödnek, mivel ez az időszak (az alvás idején) a testi pihenés, regenerálódás ideje, amikoris a szervezetünk is "alszik" és kikapcsol az "ellenállásunk", tehát jócskán kiszolgáltatott.
Erről nagyon jó tudományos értekezést írt Kolozsvári Grandpierre Attila, hogy miként működik az emberi szervezet egyes napszakokban, mikor aktiv és ellenálló, mikor passziv, amikor pihen vagy alszik.
A két cikk együtt ad teljesen érthető magyarázatot az akció-reakció alakulására.
Köszönöm kedves baglyom a fordítást. Ilyen tömörséghez székelynek kell lenni. :D
VálaszTörlésNeked meg a magyarázatot köszönöm. :D