Red Road Warriors walking this sacred path
Mother Earth's Declaration
1.§ This declaration is the first and only document to recognise Mother Earth as a living, intelligent and spiritual being, who requires, proper legal status, juridical definition and representation, in all nations, governments and human populations. Thus the name and concept Gaia, and other nations cultural names and concepts, shall be adopted by this declaration and deem legal, with the support of you the people.
2.§ This planet provides materially, for you and all humanity, all basic needs, for a comfortable life style, for the entirety of every humans life time existence. At least three generations before you were born, mother life was expecting you, as she does with all humanity, thus she is the mother of all living, newborn and unborn and all she seeks, of humanity, is that we recognise and legally call her Mother Earth. Mother Earth declares she desires the presence of human love.
3.§ Mother Earth appeals, to you, humanity, to be more conscious of Gods love in all the ever changing nature surrounding you. Gods love is the only element and condition for the spark of life, the life force and the existence of the spirit within all creation. It is important to give thanks every day to God if you are thankful for your life. It would seem humanity departs further and further from God, love, spirit and life, because humans want to become the creator of life, but miss the true understanding and knowledge of love.
4.§ Mother Earth declares that she no longer accepts the way that you, humanity cause war, with each other and many diverse life forms of her creation. Such suffering and death are unnatural scars on her landscapes, which never heal. It has been said by many wise teachers that, (you shall love one another as you love yourself) and still we do not hear the simple message of peace and love. If you humanity let this simple message enter your hearts, then you, every person will know the presence of her sacred beauty of life, love and peace.
5.§ Mother Earth, seeks of you humanity, to acknowledge all she gives you. Mother Earth, has never asked you to pay for anything, until now and all she is asking as payment, is that you remember to give thanks and love to her every day by simply saying, good morning, good loving good living Mother Earth. If every human being did this simple task every day, for one year, the whole situation of global warming will heal.
6.§ Mother Earth declares that, you humanity, use square, linear, circular, shapes and designs in your way of thinking. Such thoughts patterns are a stress factor, to the natural ecological patterns of Mother Earth, because these patterns separate and eventually stop the natural flow of life. Mother Earth challenges, you humanity to learn to follow the designs of her nature. Human pollution is not the result of what we use or do, it is mostly, caused by how we think.
7.§ Mother Earth appeals to, you, every human being, why do you act disrespectful to your life force, such as when you are unable to share the fruit and food of the land and waters, with each other and when you do not give thanks to the life force that had to die to feed you. Why do you let your fellow brothers and sisters die of starvation or thirst and sickness when there is enough food for all. Be sure there is enough food to feed all humanity, but there is only death and starvation when you try to feed greed. Learn the practice of generosity and teach it to your children and give thanks. Keep the one most sacred law of love, feed the people with food, prepared with love, and be blessed with the happiness of life.
8.§ Mother Earth declares that all creation, on or in the layers of her land and mountain teranges and surfaces, in her ocean waters, lakes and all fresh waters, up in the layers of her atmosphere, hold the precious gifts of her life force and memory. She knows every life and death movement of her creation, no matter how small or large, she records the change. When vast amounts or numbers of death occurs, it changes the balance of nature, and this is a clear indication to you, humanity about how fragile the balance and harmony of nature is. Learn to respect and give reverence to all presence of life because it is so fragile.
9.§ Mother Earth appeals to all nations and governments, to consider that all cities, villages, and towns, create a special Mother Earth place of beauty, in the mountains by water fountains, water sources, brooks, streams, rivers, lakes, public beaches, forest, to help bring balance and harmony back her life force. Mother Earth states, that you humanity have divided her lands and waters without any consideration of any place for her spirit. Her forests, soils, minerals, sea are bought and sold and exploited by the human greed virus which results in causing deep physical wounds to her life force.
10.§ Mother Earth declares to you, humanity, that because of her love to humanity, this is the only power that stops her from destroying all humanity. It is time for you humanity to change the way you think and act, and seek happiness and love in the simple nature of life. There is too much stress and anger in the daily living styles of many people and this is then expressed in the way people drive, work, eat, drink and play, so this is the real pollution. How can Mother Earth clean the pollution of human stress and anger, or fear, hate, greed, jealousy, unhappiness, loneliness, shame, arrogance, ignorance, tyranny, loneliness. Mother Earth assures that she is within every human being. Humanity is a part of her life force, she waited for you, long before you were born and she will remember you long after you have gone. Love and happiness is the true essence of humanity.
11.§ First nations people have a clear understanding and concept of Mother Earth in their cultures. Some nations still practice traditional practices to honour and pray to Mother Earth, but such possibilities have declined and become less and less, because first nations peoples have been robbed of their traditional lands and waters. Many first nations peoples minds and time are occupied by the detrimental influences of modern day culture, thus the prayers and ceremonies have been replaced or forgotten. To change these tendencies the only option for the people is the return of their traditional lands and waters in full.
12.§ Mother Earth appeals to all nations, governments and wealthy multi-international business companies, to annually, financially sustain all organisations, groups and individuals who work for Mother Earth, and the seven elements of creation, (especially any scientific research that studies the spiritual, and love factor), who can produce clear evidence of their work, as this will become the biggest concern for the future of all business. It is as equally important that the same support be given to all individuals, groups and organisations, who display an expression of the spirit and love of Mother Earth and the seven elements of creation. The arts act as a safety ventilation for all cultures and societies and express energetically the climate of the population. All expressions of the arts have the possibility to be able to act as a more direct dialog between human beings and Mother Earth. This creates threads of thought and sound. From such an arrangement, it is then possible to weave a mantle that will cover and connect Mother Earth, humanity and all creation.
13.§ Mother Earth warns you, humanity to change your way of living now, if you want to live with the beauty that you see around you . How you live now, decides the future of ten generations of all creation coming, especially humanity. It is the responsibility of you every human being to protect the future of the unborn creation and human children, by protecting Mother Earth.
AUTHOR: Dr. Erena Rangimarie Omaki Rhöse,
Dr. Rudolf Reuter, Prof. Puntus Öttendahl
Six Reasons Why Earth Won't Cope for Long
by John Gibbons
Published on Thursday, December 17, 2009 by The Irish Times
1. Biodiversity: “The world is currently undergoing a very rapid loss of biodiversity comparable with the great mass extinction events that have previously occurred only five or six times in the Earth’s history,” says the World Wildlife Fund. It has tracked an astonishing 30 per cent decline in the Earth’s biodiversity between 1970-2003. Hunting, habitat destruction, deforestation, pollution and the spread of agriculture are leading to as many as 1,000 entire species going extinct every week – that’s a species every 10 minutes. The economic cost of destroying biodiversity is also immense. A 2008 EU study estimated the cost of forest loss alone is running at $2-$5 trillion (€1.3-€3.4 trillion) annually.
2. Ocean acidification: The evidence of the effects of increased CO2 levels on the world’s oceans is unequivocal. Surface ocean acidity has increased by 30 per cent since 1800, with half this increase occurring in just the last three decades. The rate of change in oceanic pH levels is around 100 times faster than any observed natural rate. Increasing acidity is impeding the ability of plankton called foraminifera to produce shells. These creatures form the base of the entire marine food system. The world’s vital reef systems are also in peril from acidification.
3. Population pressure: Broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has witnessed how the natural world is being crushed by humanity. “I’ve never seen a problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve with fewer people, or harder – and ultimately impossible – with more,” he says. The Earth must provide for around 80 million more people than this time last year. It took us almost 10,000 years to reach a billion people. We now add that many every 12 years.
4. Peak oil: This month, the International Energy Agency formally predicted global peak oil by 2020. Today, the world burns the equivalent of 82 million barrels of oil every day. Projected growth in energy demand will see this rise to almost 100 million barrels within a decade, but by then, output from the oilfields currently in production will have plummeted to barely a third of that. A massive energy gap is looming, and with discoveries having peaked in the mid-1960s, we are approaching the bottom of the cheap oil barrel. Non-conventional oil, renewables and nuclear will be nowhere near capable of bridging this energy gap in time. The oil shocks of the coming decade will be intense.
5. Peak food: the global food system is predicated on lashings of cheap oil, fresh water, soil and natural gas. All four are in decline. The food riots of 2008 were an early warning of a global system in crisis. In the US, it is estimated every calorie of food energy requires 10 calories of fossil fuel energy. More food production is now being channelled into fattening animals. Meat is a tasty but entirely inefficient way to use finite food resources. Meanwhile, the UN predicts the collapse of all global commercial marine fisheries by 2048, depriving up to two billion people of food.
6. Peak water: During the 20th century, human water usage increased nine-fold, with irrigation (for agriculture) alone using two-thirds of this total. With almost all major glaciers retreating, many river systems are at risk. Groundwater in aquifers is another key fresh water source. Over-extraction, mostly for agriculture, has caused their levels worldwide to plummet. Pollution, especially from fertiliser overuse, adds to the loss of fresh water. The Environmental Protection Agency yesterday reported only 17 per cent of Ireland’s rivers are of “high ecological status”.
Mother Earth's Declaration
2.§ This planet provides materially, for you and all humanity, all basic needs, for a comfortable life style, for the entirety of every humans life time existence. At least three generations before you were born, mother life was expecting you, as she does with all humanity, thus she is the mother of all living, newborn and unborn and all she seeks, of humanity, is that we recognise and legally call her Mother Earth. Mother Earth declares she desires the presence of human love.
3.§ Mother Earth appeals, to you, humanity, to be more conscious of Gods love in all the ever changing nature surrounding you. Gods love is the only element and condition for the spark of life, the life force and the existence of the spirit within all creation. It is important to give thanks every day to God if you are thankful for your life. It would seem humanity departs further and further from God, love, spirit and life, because humans want to become the creator of life, but miss the true understanding and knowledge of love.
4.§ Mother Earth declares that she no longer accepts the way that you, humanity cause war, with each other and many diverse life forms of her creation. Such suffering and death are unnatural scars on her landscapes, which never heal. It has been said by many wise teachers that, (you shall love one another as you love yourself) and still we do not hear the simple message of peace and love. If you humanity let this simple message enter your hearts, then you, every person will know the presence of her sacred beauty of life, love and peace.
5.§ Mother Earth, seeks of you humanity, to acknowledge all she gives you. Mother Earth, has never asked you to pay for anything, until now and all she is asking as payment, is that you remember to give thanks and love to her every day by simply saying, good morning, good loving good living Mother Earth. If every human being did this simple task every day, for one year, the whole situation of global warming will heal.
6.§ Mother Earth declares that, you humanity, use square, linear, circular, shapes and designs in your way of thinking. Such thoughts patterns are a stress factor, to the natural ecological patterns of Mother Earth, because these patterns separate and eventually stop the natural flow of life. Mother Earth challenges, you humanity to learn to follow the designs of her nature. Human pollution is not the result of what we use or do, it is mostly, caused by how we think.
7.§ Mother Earth appeals to, you, every human being, why do you act disrespectful to your life force, such as when you are unable to share the fruit and food of the land and waters, with each other and when you do not give thanks to the life force that had to die to feed you. Why do you let your fellow brothers and sisters die of starvation or thirst and sickness when there is enough food for all. Be sure there is enough food to feed all humanity, but there is only death and starvation when you try to feed greed. Learn the practice of generosity and teach it to your children and give thanks. Keep the one most sacred law of love, feed the people with food, prepared with love, and be blessed with the happiness of life.
8.§ Mother Earth declares that all creation, on or in the layers of her land and mountain teranges and surfaces, in her ocean waters, lakes and all fresh waters, up in the layers of her atmosphere, hold the precious gifts of her life force and memory. She knows every life and death movement of her creation, no matter how small or large, she records the change. When vast amounts or numbers of death occurs, it changes the balance of nature, and this is a clear indication to you, humanity about how fragile the balance and harmony of nature is. Learn to respect and give reverence to all presence of life because it is so fragile.
9.§ Mother Earth appeals to all nations and governments, to consider that all cities, villages, and towns, create a special Mother Earth place of beauty, in the mountains by water fountains, water sources, brooks, streams, rivers, lakes, public beaches, forest, to help bring balance and harmony back her life force. Mother Earth states, that you humanity have divided her lands and waters without any consideration of any place for her spirit. Her forests, soils, minerals, sea are bought and sold and exploited by the human greed virus which results in causing deep physical wounds to her life force.
10.§ Mother Earth declares to you, humanity, that because of her love to humanity, this is the only power that stops her from destroying all humanity. It is time for you humanity to change the way you think and act, and seek happiness and love in the simple nature of life. There is too much stress and anger in the daily living styles of many people and this is then expressed in the way people drive, work, eat, drink and play, so this is the real pollution. How can Mother Earth clean the pollution of human stress and anger, or fear, hate, greed, jealousy, unhappiness, loneliness, shame, arrogance, ignorance, tyranny, loneliness. Mother Earth assures that she is within every human being. Humanity is a part of her life force, she waited for you, long before you were born and she will remember you long after you have gone. Love and happiness is the true essence of humanity.
11.§ First nations people have a clear understanding and concept of Mother Earth in their cultures. Some nations still practice traditional practices to honour and pray to Mother Earth, but such possibilities have declined and become less and less, because first nations peoples have been robbed of their traditional lands and waters. Many first nations peoples minds and time are occupied by the detrimental influences of modern day culture, thus the prayers and ceremonies have been replaced or forgotten. To change these tendencies the only option for the people is the return of their traditional lands and waters in full.
12.§ Mother Earth appeals to all nations, governments and wealthy multi-international business companies, to annually, financially sustain all organisations, groups and individuals who work for Mother Earth, and the seven elements of creation, (especially any scientific research that studies the spiritual, and love factor), who can produce clear evidence of their work, as this will become the biggest concern for the future of all business. It is as equally important that the same support be given to all individuals, groups and organisations, who display an expression of the spirit and love of Mother Earth and the seven elements of creation. The arts act as a safety ventilation for all cultures and societies and express energetically the climate of the population. All expressions of the arts have the possibility to be able to act as a more direct dialog between human beings and Mother Earth. This creates threads of thought and sound. From such an arrangement, it is then possible to weave a mantle that will cover and connect Mother Earth, humanity and all creation.
13.§ Mother Earth warns you, humanity to change your way of living now, if you want to live with the beauty that you see around you . How you live now, decides the future of ten generations of all creation coming, especially humanity. It is the responsibility of you every human being to protect the future of the unborn creation and human children, by protecting Mother Earth.
AUTHOR: Dr. Erena Rangimarie Omaki Rhöse,
Dr. Rudolf Reuter, Prof. Puntus Öttendahl
Six Reasons Why Earth Won't Cope for Long
by John Gibbons
Published on Thursday, December 17, 2009 by The Irish Times
1. Biodiversity: “The world is currently undergoing a very rapid loss of biodiversity comparable with the great mass extinction events that have previously occurred only five or six times in the Earth’s history,” says the World Wildlife Fund. It has tracked an astonishing 30 per cent decline in the Earth’s biodiversity between 1970-2003. Hunting, habitat destruction, deforestation, pollution and the spread of agriculture are leading to as many as 1,000 entire species going extinct every week – that’s a species every 10 minutes. The economic cost of destroying biodiversity is also immense. A 2008 EU study estimated the cost of forest loss alone is running at $2-$5 trillion (€1.3-€3.4 trillion) annually.
2. Ocean acidification: The evidence of the effects of increased CO2 levels on the world’s oceans is unequivocal. Surface ocean acidity has increased by 30 per cent since 1800, with half this increase occurring in just the last three decades. The rate of change in oceanic pH levels is around 100 times faster than any observed natural rate. Increasing acidity is impeding the ability of plankton called foraminifera to produce shells. These creatures form the base of the entire marine food system. The world’s vital reef systems are also in peril from acidification.
3. Population pressure: Broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has witnessed how the natural world is being crushed by humanity. “I’ve never seen a problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve with fewer people, or harder – and ultimately impossible – with more,” he says. The Earth must provide for around 80 million more people than this time last year. It took us almost 10,000 years to reach a billion people. We now add that many every 12 years.
4. Peak oil: This month, the International Energy Agency formally predicted global peak oil by 2020. Today, the world burns the equivalent of 82 million barrels of oil every day. Projected growth in energy demand will see this rise to almost 100 million barrels within a decade, but by then, output from the oilfields currently in production will have plummeted to barely a third of that. A massive energy gap is looming, and with discoveries having peaked in the mid-1960s, we are approaching the bottom of the cheap oil barrel. Non-conventional oil, renewables and nuclear will be nowhere near capable of bridging this energy gap in time. The oil shocks of the coming decade will be intense.
5. Peak food: the global food system is predicated on lashings of cheap oil, fresh water, soil and natural gas. All four are in decline. The food riots of 2008 were an early warning of a global system in crisis. In the US, it is estimated every calorie of food energy requires 10 calories of fossil fuel energy. More food production is now being channelled into fattening animals. Meat is a tasty but entirely inefficient way to use finite food resources. Meanwhile, the UN predicts the collapse of all global commercial marine fisheries by 2048, depriving up to two billion people of food.
6. Peak water: During the 20th century, human water usage increased nine-fold, with irrigation (for agriculture) alone using two-thirds of this total. With almost all major glaciers retreating, many river systems are at risk. Groundwater in aquifers is another key fresh water source. Over-extraction, mostly for agriculture, has caused their levels worldwide to plummet. Pollution, especially from fertiliser overuse, adds to the loss of fresh water. The Environmental Protection Agency yesterday reported only 17 per cent of Ireland’s rivers are of “high ecological status”.