
2012. augusztus 31., péntek



I send the message to the hills home:
The way of fate is ever changing
And the winds, they also have their laws,
And so have laws the rains, the clouds, the snows,
And there is no sorrow forever-staying.
The water runs, the rock remains,
The rock remains.

I send the message to the earth: just carry on,
Even if the grown crops are devoured by the carrion.
Even if the mole digs up the roots,
Vigilant Order keeps the world sooth'd
And of the noble grain shan't go to waste one seed,
But nothing shall remain of the nettle indeed,
For in due time, every kind of weed vains.
The water runs, the rock remains,
The rock remains.

I send the message to the forest: do not fear,
Even if the chopping of axes echo should.
For stronger than the axe is always the wood,
And by the wake of spring, from the bleeding wound
The triumphant sprout of a new force shall appear.
And trees shall stand still by the time in the mud
To rust turns the murderous steel
And the striking hand, with holy redemption,
To useful material in the earth decays...
The water runs, the rock remains,
The rock remains.

I send the message to the house, which brought me up:
Even if burned down it lies and robbed
A new generation is on the way
Again merry builders shall come
And the foundations they shall excavate
And upon moral's ancient, snow-white base
A temple's walls and roof they'll lay.

A thousand new Mason Kelemens arrive,
But not with human blood and ash
Shall they fix world peace's wall,
But with holy water and bread
And build new home from stones of old.
I send the message to the house, which brought me up:
The foundation comes from God,
And godly strength the hand gains
As it reconstructs the wall from its remains.
The water runs, but the rock remains,
The rock remains.

And I send the message to my friends of old,
Who deny my name today:
When the wheel of fate takes yet another turn,
I shall keep being their friend all the way
And there shall be neither revenge nor hate nor rage.
We shall give each other a hand, and go,
And become One Will and One Goal again:
The water runs, but the rock remains,
The rock remains.

And I send the message to every folk
To brother, to relative, and to the unknown,
To loyal, to wretched, to wicked, to saint,
And to those, who from the hand of theirs
Shall never wash away the guilty bloodstains:
Beware, and fold your hand to pray'r!
Somewhere above, in God's domain
The stars are slowly changing their ways
And the water runs, and only the rock remains,
The rock remains.

Only the true and good shall remain.
The pure, and those, who live in peace.
Forests, mountains, men and seas.
Everyone, think over your acts!
The sieve is being prepared in the sky,
And the wheel of fate is being oiled by
Hard-working angelic hands.
It shall turn again, the wheel of fate,
And as it stays on the Bible's page,
Mankind's test lies in wait,
And the way you sow the seeds is how your reap the grains.
For the water runs away, and only the rocks remains.
But the rock remains!

3 megjegyzés :

  1. Nem könnyű dolog ezt jól lefordítani, az angol nyelvben nincs meg az a szó- és kifejezésbőség ami a magyar nyelvben megvan.

  2. A műfordítás nem könnyű dolog. Nem elég, ha nyelvtanilag korrekt, mert a hangulatát, az érzéseket is át kéne plántálni valahogy. Azért a szándék nemes.
    ...és nagyon jól jönne egy eléggé megszállott műfordító.
